Neglected Genius!


Gift of Mrs. Donald F. Hyde, 1949 – *EC8.R6333.792pa

And thou, melodious ROGERS! rise at last,
Recall the pleasing memory of the past.

Samuel Rogers (1763-1855). The Pleasures of Memory (London, 1792).

Byron considered this poem and Campbell’s The Pleasures of Hope “the most beautiful poems in our language, if we except Pope’s Essay on Man.” This printer’s proof copy contains Rogers’ manuscript corrections and additions throughout. In 1811 Rogers would host a “reconciliation dinner” for Byron and Moore after they had resolved their differences over English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, with Campbell also in attendance. Only Walter Scott ranks higher than Rogers in Byron’s “triangular ‘Gradus ad Parnassum,’” which appears in his journal entry for November 24th, 1813, with Moore and Campbell occupying the third tier.