New Acquisitions
"The advertisement of a sale is a signal which at once puts a thousand hearts in motion... He that had resolved to buy no more, feels his constancy subdued; there is now something in the catalogue which completes his cabinet, and which he was never before able to find."
The Idler, No. 56
In this section
Samuel Johnson. Letter to Lucy Porter. Jan. 13, 1761. Manuscript.
An Account of the Designs of the Associates of the Late Dr. Bray. London: [s.n.], 1767. |
Samuel Baker. A Catalogue of the Valuable Library of John Wilkes. London: Baker, 1764.
W. D. Fellowes. Paris, during the Interesting Month of July, 1815. London: Gale and Fenner, 1815. |
William Beville. Observations on Dr. Johnson's Life of Hammond. London: W. Brown, 1782.
A Dialogue Between Dr. Johnson and Dr. Goldsmith, in the Shades, Relative to the Former's Strictures on the English Poets, Particularly Pope, Milton, and Gray. London: Debrett, 1785. *2008-1096. |
George Butt. A Dialogue Between the Earl of C----------d and Mr. Garrick, in the Elysian Shades.
London: T. Cadell, 1785.
William Tytler. An Inquiry, Historical and Critical, into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots. Third ed. Edinburgh: W. Drummond, 1772. |
Samuel Johnson. The Prince of Abyssinia. London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. |
The Holy Bible. Bath: R. Crutwell, 1785.
J. & W. Newton. Plan of Streatham Park. 1822. Watercolor on vellum. |