Psychical Research

By the time The Principles of Psychology was published in 1890, insuring James’s reputation in psychology, he had published more than a dozen articles in philosophical journals.

In this section

Photograph WJ. Letter to James Jackson Putnam. [10 March 1898].

WJ. [The moral equivalent of war]. Autograph manuscript and typescript with revisions, [1910]. Photograph
Photograph (digital only) WJ. Truth, reality, etc. Autograph manuscript and printed sheets, undated. WJ. Pragmatism. Autograph manuscript, ca. 1904.

Photograph Charles Strong. Photograph, undated. From the James family album.

[List of manuscripts and books prized by William James]. Manuscript in the hand of Alice H.G. James, undated. Photograph
Photograph Ferdinand Canning Schiller. Photograph, undated. From the James family album. Envelope for Some problems of philosophy, inscribed by WJ, “my unfinished book.” Photograph
Photograph WJ. [Some problems of philosophy] Autograph manuscript and typescript (all with revisions and corrections by WJ),
Henry James III. Memorandum [on the manuscripts for Some problems of philosophy] Autograph manuscript, 22 April. 1911.

Photograph WJ. Letter to Henry James. Keene Valley, 8 September 1907. William James. Alice Boughton, photographer. Photograph, 1907. Photograph
Photograph [Harvard Psychological Laboratory, students measuring the time required for various mental tasks, Dan Hall.] Albumen photograph, 1892.