Murder & Memory


August Edouard  Achille Luce.  Lincoln memorial fan.  [ca. 1866].  Paper, aluminum, and wood.

Created as a memorial to President Lincoln after his assassination, this woman’s commemorative fan was designed by August Edouard Achille Luce and made in either Cuba, Spain, or France for import to the United States.  The fan opens into a 22-inch half circle with gilt, incised, decorative rods on each end.  The verso is adorned with scenes of the Civil War and of the assassination of Lincoln.  The side shown here is decorated with an image of Lincoln and images of his generals and Secretary of State Seward and Vice President Andrew Johnson.

pf *AC85.L6384.N866l      Purchased in 2007 on the Bayard Livingston & Kate Gray Kilgour Fund.