Johnson's Household

"If your house be like an inn, nobody cares for you. A man who stays a week with another, makes him a slave for a week."

The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

In this section

Photograph Unidentified artist. Portrait of Elizabeth Johnson. [ca. 1735]. Oil on canvas. Samuel Johnson. Letter to Elizabeth Johnson. January 31, 1740. Manuscript. Photograph
Photograph The Rambler. London: Payne & Bouquet, 1752. Elizabeth Johnson’s copy.

James Boswell. Transcript of Samuel Johnson’s Diary for April 22nd, 1753. Manuscript. Photograph
Photograph Samuel Johnson. Letter to Frank Barber. September 25, 1770. Manuscript.

Anna Williams. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. London: T. Davies, 1766. Thomas Percy’s copy. Photograph
Photograph Samuel Johnson. London. Fifth ed. London: E. Cave, 1750. Author’s presentation copy. Unidentified artist. No. 17 Gough Square. Watercolor.

Photograph John Thomas Smith. No. 8 Bolt Court. Engraving.

John Thomas Smith. Interior of No. 8 Bolt Court. Ink on paper. Photograph
Photograph John Parker and Edward Wakelin. Silver Teapot. [ca. 1765].
Samuel Johnson. Deed for Silver Teapot. Dec. 6, 1784. Manuscript. Photograph
Photograph A Johnsonian Teaparty at “Oak Knoll,” December 11, 1932. Photograph.