Chapter 5


Thackeray, The Book of Snobs. London: Punch Office, 1848. *EC85.T3255.848b (A)

The Book of Snobs (London: Punch Office, 1848).

Thackeray’s most celebrated series in Punch, “The Snobs of England” appeared in 53 weekly installments between February 1846 and February 1847, and was published in this collected edition in early 1848. Thackeray is responsible for redefining the word “snob”: when he was writing, it referred to a member of the lower class; in his work, Thackeray gave the word to its modern connotation, defining it as one “who meanly admires mean things.” The satirical essays lampooned all sorts, including “literary snobs”, “dining-out snobs,” and “party-giving snobs.”

*EC85.T3255.848b (A).
Gift of Herbert Carlebach, 1959.