Chapter 5

Vanity Fair brought Thackeray much recognition, in literary circles and among the reading public. He no longer needed to rely on freelance work to ensure a steady income; he could focus on longer works of fiction.

In this section

Photograph Thackeray self portrait,
ca. 1848.
The Book of Snobs (London: Punch Office, 1848). Photograph
Photograph Manuscript portion from The History of Pendennis, [1850?] Thackeray’s original drawing for Pendennis:
“A Recognition.”
Photograph Charlotte Brontë’s admiration for Thackeray, 11 March 1848.

Charlotte Brontë dedicates Jane Eyre to Thackeray (London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1848). Photograph
Photograph Thackeray’s portrait of Jane Brookfield, undated.

“Though we never say it/ Yet the secret rests”, undated. Photograph
Photograph Rebecca and Rowena, inscribed to the Brookfields (London: Chapman & Hall, 1850). Thackeray writes to Anny and Minny from Edinburgh, 9 December 1851.

Photograph Thackeray. Two drawings, undated.

Thackeray’s ivory and brass “aide-mémoire” sketchbook. Undated. Photograph
Photograph Thackeray’s gold pen.