Chapter 6

Secure in the knowledge that his writing had earned him international acclaim, Thackeray felt a lecture tour in America would help recover the fortune he had lost as a young man. “I must and will go,” he wrote Anny, “not because I like it, but because it is right I should secure some money against my death for your mother and you two girls.”

In this section

Photograph Thackeray’s “transformation” playing cards Thackeray to an unknown correspondent, 25 November 1852. Photograph
Photograph Costume sketches for the Baxter family, [1852]. Thackeray to Sally Baxter, 22 December 1852. Photograph
Photograph Thackeray to his daughters from Savannah, 14-19 March 1853. Thackeray’s lecture manuscript of “George IV,” [1855-6]. Photograph
Photograph Georges Roch brooch given to Annie Adams Fields.

The Virginians (London: Bradbury & Evans, 1857-9). Photograph
Photograph Letter to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 16 November 1859.

Confederate imprint of The Adventures of Philip (Columbia, South Carolina: Evans & Cogswell, 1864).

Photograph Thackeray in America, 1850s.