Chapter 7

The 1850s and early 1860s were a period of financial prosperity for Thackeray. The success of his novels and lecture tours through Great Britain and the United States ensured a steady income, and he was finally able to save money for his daughters and enjoy the more comfortable life of a literary celebrity.

In this section

Photograph Thackeray responds to a critic in The Kickleburys on the Rhine (London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1851) The Newcomes. (London: Bradbury & Evans, 1853-1855).

Photograph Drawings for “Prince Polonio’s Adventures,” undated. Thackeray to Anne and Henry Carmichael-Smyth, 1 January 1857. Photograph
Photograph Thackeray to an unknown correspondent, 30 January 1857.

Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates, and the Garrick Club (London: Printed for private circulation, 1859). Photograph
Photograph Thackeray publishes the first issue of The Cornhill Magazine, November, 1859. Manuscripts from Roundabout Papers, 1860-1863. Photograph
Photograph Charles Keene’s “A” initial for “Nil Nisi Bonum.”

“I think sometimes I am deservedly unpopular…I rather like it”; Thackeray to Whitwell Elwin, 24-31 May 1861.

Photograph Thackeray in the 1860s.

Thackeray. “The Amaneunsis.” ca. 1855. Photograph
Photograph Thackeray’s seal.