Chapter 7


Frontispiece and title page of The Newcomes. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1853-1855. *EC85.T3255.854n (I).

The Newcomes. (London: Bradbury & Evans, 1853-1855).

In October 1853, the first number of Thackeray’s new novel, The Newcomes. Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family appeared. The novel, now considered by many to be Thackeray’s masterpiece, was narrated by Pen from Pendennis, and chronicled the lives of the family of Colonel Newcome. Thackeray wrote much of it while travelling through Europe alone and with his daughters. The novel was completed in August 1855, two months before Thackeray left for his second American tour. It is in this novel that Thackeray coined the term “capitalism.”
*EC85.T3255.854n (I), vol 1. Gift of William Norton Bullard, 1921.