Harvard Professor
At the start of his 34-year career at Harvard, James taught Natural History 3: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates.
In this section
WJ. [Examination questions for] Natural History 2.
Herbert Spencer. The principles of psychology. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1871-73. |
WJ. “Puppies and Guns” [letter to the Editor] published in Field and Stream [1888?]. |
WJ. Syllabus of Philosophy 3. Printed pamphlet with autograph manuscript revisions, 28 January 1903. |
WJ. Examination questions for Philosophy 9 [Notebook 17]. Cambridge, 1904-1905.
WJ. Class list and notes for first class meeting of Philosophy 9 [Notebook 17]. Autograph manuscript, signed; Cambridge, 1904-1905. |
WJ. Syllabus in Philosophy D. Printed sheets with autograph annotations and revisions [ca. 1905]. |
George Herbert Palmer. William Notman, photographer. Photograph, undated.
Josiah Royce. Pach Brothers, photographer. Photograph, 1877.
John Stuart Mill. A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive: being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. |
[List of William James' salaries at Harvard University]. Typescript, undated. |