Toward a Vocation
As a young man, James struggled for direction about his future. Unlike others his age, he was not allowed to attend college because his father, metaphysician, essayist, and theologian Henry James, Sr. believed colleges were hotbeds of sin.
In this section
Henry James Sr. Balch, photographer. Carte-de-visite; Boston, undated. |
Mary Robertson Walsh James. Photograph, undated.
Self portrait. Pencil on paper, [1866].
“Here I and Sorrow Sit.” Red crayon on paper, ca. 1860-1869. |
WJ. The Foreboding Meeting or The Artist’s Fate. Autograph manuscript, undated. |
Letter to his parents. Bonn; [24] August [ca. 1860 ].
[Notebook 1] Autograph manuscript, signed; Geneva, 16 November 1859. Includes reading lists, notes on science, and sketches. |
WJ. Chemical note book Lawrence Sc. School 1st term 1861-1862. Autograph manuscript, 1861-1862. MS Am 2570 Gift of Grace Thayer Richards Conant (Mrs. James Bryant Conant), 1958. |
Lawrence Scientific School. Photograph, undated.
Catalogue of the officers and students, 1861-62. Cambridge, Mass.: Sever and Francis, 1861. |
Jeffries Wyman. Photograph, undated. From WJ’s “Anthropological Collection.” |
WJ. Brazil diary, showing portrait of Louis Agassiz. Pencil on paper, [1865]. |
WJ. Letter to his family. Cambridge; [10 November 1861]. |
Members of the Thayer Expedition. Photograph, [1865]. |
William James. Photograph, 1865. Taken in Brazil, following the attack of smallpox. |
WJ. A selection of sketches made in Brazil. Pencil on paper, 1865-1866. |