Dear Members of the Harvard Faculty,
Harvard’s libraries are eager to help support your research and teaching in this challenging time.
As the Provost indicated in his letter of May 4 regarding steps toward reopening research facilities, preparations are under way for the phased resumption of access to Harvard’s physical libraries, when it is safe to do so. At the same time, the library is very much open virtually, and we are continually expanding and enhancing access to online resources and services.
Precise timelines for phased reopening of physical libraries are not yet known, but we invite you to help us prepare by providing feedback on our draft plan. This plan is being developed by a committee working across the libraries and in consultation with our Faculty Advisory Council.
In planning your courses, please know that our librarians, curators, and archivists are on hand to ensure Harvard’s teaching and learning experience continues to be exceptional. I encourage you to reach out to your librarian to talk about what you need, whether that’s course materials, tutorials, or other library services. Even if it seems that some things are out of reach, there may be interesting virtual possibilities.
Please do let us know how we can be of assistance in any way.
Best wishes,
Martha Whitehead
Vice President for the Harvard Library and University Librarian
Roy E. Larsen Librarian for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences