Lamont Library

Today: Open from 10am


A 24-hour library with a wide range of services supporting the humanities and social sciences.

  • Collaborative or quiet study
  • Media post-production
  • Data visualization
  • Tech loan — and, a café!
Open to Harvard students, faculty, and staff.
Discover our spaces
Study. Focus. Relax.


At Lamont you can find spaces suited to collaboration or quiet study, a lab for multimedia production and data visualization, and more. 

woodberry poetry room

Woodberry Poetry Room

The Woodberry Poetry Room is a welcoming special collections reading room on the third floor of Lamont.

The Media Lab in Lamont Library

Media Lab

Computers, equipment and help for everything from media creation and production to statistical analysis and data visualization.

The Media Lab Annex in Lamont Library

Media Lab Annex

A quiet space for working on multimedia projects, these computers feature an array of media and visualization software.

The Farnsworth Room at Lamont Library

Farnsworth Room

The Farnsworth Room is a quiet, light-filled space with a series of nooks perfect for studying.

The Donatelli Reading Room in Lamont Library

Donatelli Reading Room

The Donatelli Reading Room features group study tables, carrels with outlet strips, and soft-seating.

Lamont cafe

Lamont Cafe

Lamont Library Café is perfect for studying, socializing, and snacking.

Find a Space at Lamont
Filter by noise level, comfy furniture and more.

Accessibility of Lamont Library

  • The main entrance to Lamont Library via Quincy Street is accessible via ramp and automatic door. 
  • Study rooms are available throughout the library. There is an ADA accessible workstation on the first floor with JAWS installed. If you need assistance with study room access or equipment, please ask at the main desk.
  • Attendees to events hosted in the Lamont Forum Room may request assistive listening devices be provided before the event. 
  • There is a gender-inclusive restroom on Level A, and there is a gender-inclusive restroom on Level 4 of Lamont Library that is open Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM during the academic term.

Contact Lamont Access Services staff member, Laura Sherriff, with specific questions about accessibility of elevators, study spaces, meeting rooms, and restrooms.

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