Looking for personalized guidance for your research? Curious about resources in your area of study? Library liaisons can help you make the most of your research at Harvard Library.
Find your Liaison
We're here to help! Answer a few quick questions, and we'll connect you with the library liaison who can help you with class assignments, research, and finding exactly what you need at Harvard Library.
What can we do for you?
Whether you’re working on a homework assignment, deep in a multi-year project, or just getting to know the libraries, we're here for you.
- Let us help you navigate Harvard Library (both physically and virtually) and connect you with the resources you need.
- Attend our workshops on topics like working with HOLLIS, using citation tools, and visualizing data.
- Talk with us about providing tailored library instruction for your class.
- Sign up for a research consultation for individualized support of your research project.
- Collaborate with us on creating online materials to support your instruction and research projects.
Library Liaisons by Subject Area
Liaisons are experts in a variety of subjects. Use the list below to find the right one for you. (If you're at a professional school, please contact your library directly.)
- African and African American Studies Bassey Irele
- American Studies Fred Burchsted
- Anthropology Susan Gilman
- Art, Film, and Visual Studies Jessica Evans Brady
- Astronomy Robyn Rosenberg
- Astrophysics Robyn Rosenberg
- Biology
- Human Evolutionary Biology Mary Sears and Susan Gilman
- Integrative Biology Mary Sears
- Molecular and Cellular Biology Jillian Amaral
- Neurobiology Jillian Amaral
- Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Mary Sears and Daniel Becker
- Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Mary Sears
- Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology Mary Sears
- Celtic Languages and Literatures Ramona Crawford
- Chemistry and Chemical Biology Michael Leach
- Classics Steve Kuehler
- Comparative Literature Odile Harter
- Computer Science Robyn Rosenberg
- Earth and Planetary Sciences Michael Leach
- East Asian Studies Reed Lowrie
- Economics Diane Sredl
- Engineering and Applied Sciences Robyn Rosenberg
- English Odile Harter
- Environmental Science and Public Policy George Clark
- Folklore and Mythology Ramona Crawford
- Germanic Languages and Literatures: Reed Lowrie
- Government Hugh Truslow
- History Fred Burchsted
- History and Literature Steve Kuehler
- History of Art and Architecture Jessica Evans Brady
- History of Science Fred Burchsted
- Inner Asian and Altaic Studies Mary Frances Angelini
- Linguistics Emily Coolidge Toker and Jess Cohen-Tanugi
- Mathematics Michael Leach
- Middle Eastern Studies Sarah DeMott
- Music Brendan Higgins and Kerry Masteller
- Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Sarah DeMott
- Physics Michael Leach
- Political Science Hugh Truslow
- Psychology Ramona Crawford, Michael Leach, and Robyn Rosenberg
- Regional Studies—East Asia Reed Lowrie
- Regional Studies—Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia Svetlana Rukhelman
- Religion Reed Lowrie
- Romance Languages and Literatures (French and Italian) Odile Harter
- Romance Languages and Literatures (Spanish and Portuguese) Anna Assogba
- Slavic Languages and Literatures Anna Rakityanskaya
- Social Studies Sue Gilroy
- Sociology Hugh Truslow
- South Asian Studies Ramona Crawford
- Statistics Michael Leach
- Theater, Dance, and Media Steve Kuehler
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Sue Gilroy
Library Liaisons by Program
- Harvard College Writing Program Sue Gilroy
- General Education: Please contact Ask a Librarian with questions.
- First Year Seminars Sarah DeMott
- First Year Student Librarians Lee LaFleur
- Extension School Mary Frances Angelini and Jonathan Paulo