Have a copyright question? Ask a Copyright First Responder!
Find Your Copyright First Responder
Copyright First Responders are located across Harvard's libraries, archives, and museums. They have specialized training on copyright law and policy to help provide information and tackle questions.
If you have a copyright question, reach out to a Copyright First Responder in your library or in the library that holds the materials you have a question about.
Baker Library and Special Collections at Harvard Business School
- Leslie E. Burmeister: lburmeister@hbs.edu
- Heather Oswald: hoswald@hbs.edu
- Rhys Sevier: rsevier@hbs.edu
- Amy Butler: abutler@hbs.edu
Cabot Science Library
- Tina Helt: tina_qin@harvard.edu
Countway Library at Harvard Medical School
- Paul Scott Lapinski: psl6@hms.harvard.edu
- Carolyn Hayes: carolyn_hayes@hms.harvard.edu
Fine Arts Library
- Jessica Evans Brady: jevansbrady@fas.harvard.edu
- Shalimar Fojas White: shalimar_white@harvard.edu
- Joanne Bloom: toplyn@fas.harvard.edu
Frances Loeb Library at the Graduate School of Design
- Alix Reiskind: areiskind@gsd.harvard.edu
Fung Library (Social Sciences related to Russia, Eurasia, and Japan)
- Hugh Truslow: truslow@fas.harvard.edu
Gutman Library at the Graduate School of Education
- Carol Kentner: carol_kentner@gse.harvard.edu
- Carla Lillvik: carla_lillvik@gse.harvard.edu
- Rebecca Martin: rebecca_martin@gse.harvard.edu
- Ning Zou: ning_zou@gse.harvard.edu
Harvard Art Museums
- Michelle Interrante: michelle_interrante@harvard.edu
Harvard Divinity School Library
- Jessica Suarez: jsuarez@hds.harvard.edu
- Rebecca Villarreal: rvillarreal@hds.harvard.edu
Harvard Film Archive
- Amy Sloper: amy_sloper@harvard.edu
Harvard Kennedy School Library & Research Services
- Corinne Wolfson: corinne_wolfson@hks.harvard.edu
- Alessandra Seiter: alessandra_seiter@hks.harvard.edu
- Christina Sirois: christina_sirois@hks.harvard.edu
- Julie Petzold: julie_petzold@harvard.edu
Harvard Library Imaging Services
- Thomas Lingner: lingner@fas.harvard.edu
Harvard Library, Information and Technical Services
- Nancy B. Quinn: bojan@fas.harvard.edu
- Kristin Stoklosa: stoklosa@fas.harvard.edu
- Ivonne Nolasco: ivonnenolasco@fas.harvard.edu
Harvard University Archives
- Juliana Kuipers: juliana_kuipers@harvard.edu
Houghton Library (Rare Books and Manuscripts)
- Micah Hoggatt: mhoggatt@fas.harvard.edu
- Christine Jacobson: christine_jacobson@harvard.edu
Lamont Library
- Emily Coolidge Toker: emily_coolidgetoker@harvard.edu
- Sue Gilroy: sgilroy@fas.harvard.edu
Harvard Law School Library
- AJ Blechner: ablechner@law.harvard.edu
- Melinda Kent: mkent@law.harvard.edu
- Lisa Lilliott Rydin: llilliott@law.harvard.edu
- Rachel Parker: rparker@law.harvard.edu
Library Technology Services
- Vitaly Zakuta: vitaly_zakuta@harvard.edu
Loeb Music Library
- Kerry Masteller: kmastell@fas.harvard.edu
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
- Cynthia Mackey: cynthia_mackey@fas.harvard.edu
Schlesinger Library (Women’s History)
- Joanne Donovan: jdonovan@radcliffe.harvard.edu
- Diana Carey: dcarey@radcliffe.harvard.edu
Tozzer Library (Anthropology)
- Susan Gilman: sgilman@fas.harvard.edu
Widener Library
- Emily Bell: emilybell@fas.harvard.edu
- Bassey Irele: birele@fas.harvard.edu
About the Program
Copyright First Responders help advance teaching, learning, and scholarship through community engagement with copyright.
Embedded within a library, archive, or department, Copyright First Responders develop information expertise, create a collaborative network of support among their peers involved with copyright issues, and serve as a resource for the Harvard community by answering copyright questions and sharing critical knowledge.
The mission of this service is to establish a culture of shared understanding of copyright among Harvard faculty, students, and staff in support of pedagogy, research, and innovation. The program relies on a hub-and-spoke model to respond to copyright inquiries from across Harvard and provides a Harvard-wide network of copyright expertise to draw upon.
The Harvard Library Copyright Advisor program was established in 2014 by Kyle Courtney, Director of Copyright and Information Policy for Harvard Library. Contact Kyle with questions about this program.