
Harvard Library Guides

Hand-picked resources based on subject, course, or software, curated by librarians.

Harvard Library Guides can quickly surface high quality resources related to courses, topics, and software.

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Selected Guides

A line drawing of a figure reading

SAS 183: The Vernacular in South Asia: Language, Culture and Politics

This course guide was designed for students in The Vernacular in South Asia: Language, Culture and Politics, a Fall 2020 course taught by Sravanthi Kollu, a College Fellow in the Department of South Asian Studies at Harvard University.

Woman protesting, holding a sign that reads "Stop attacks on lesbian mothers and their children"

LGBTQ Archival Research

This topic guide if to help a researcher start archival research on LGBTQ-related topics.

screenshot of zotero app

Citation and Research Management Tools at Harvard

This software guide goes into detail about Citation and research management tools, which are software programs that help organize research and keep track of references. They make it easy to add citations into the documents and automatically generate bibliographies.