中華民國海關進口稅稅則 : 自中華民國二十三年七月施行. 海關總稅務司署.
The Chinese Maritime Customs Service was founded in 1854, originally known as known as the Imperial Maritime Customs Service. Not long after it was established, the agency began to publish reports on a regular basis. The myriad publications of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service can be roughly divided into seven groups: Statistical Series, Special Series, Miscellaneous Series, Service Series, Office Series, Inspectorate Series, and Postal Series. These publications came to the Harvard-Yenching Library as gifts from Edward B. Drew, J. D. Campell, the Inspector General of Customs, Shanghai, or from H. B. Morse, Archibald, C. Cooldege, S. H. Dexter, among others.
Accessing These Materials
- Most of the Chinese Maritime Collection 中國舊海關資料 has been digitized and is available here.
- You can also use our online photo collection of Edwards Bangs Drew Chinese Maritime Customs Service Photographs.
- There are more photographs relating to the life and work of members of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service (until 1912, the Imperial Maritime Customs Service) from Bristol and SJTU.
Sharon Li-shiuan