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Digital Scholarship Program

Enhanced research and instruction with emerging technologies

Harvard Library's Digital Scholarship (DS) Program is here to support your work with emerging computational methods, engaging learning spaces, and a campus-wide network of expertise.

Services we offer

In DS Program, a technological center-of-gravity exists at the intersection of natural language processing and immersive visualization. Using cutting-edge AR/VR interfaces, we are pioneering methods to digitize and explore text-based, physical, and media-based collections at scale while keeping humans in the loop.

Collections as Data

  • Natural language processing: With the aid of OCR/HTR (handwriting transcription) and other technologies, we can help you transform “raw” scholarly source material into useful datasets.
  • 3D data lifecycle: We support an interrelated suite of technologies for 3D data, including object/artifact/specimen scanning; immersive analysis across platforms; and data physicalization (3D printing). Check out our Teaching and Learning with 3D Content.
  • See how 3D and natural language processing (NLP) technologies can be combined in text-centric humanities with Longhand.

Emerging Technologies Consulting

  • Instructional support: Integrate emerging technologies (and assessment mechanisms) that can enhance your students' learning experience.
  • Grant development: We partner with faculty and staff to develop and execute grants. This includes assisting with overall project management activities, technical support, and scholarly support.
  • Lab design: The program consults with a network of technology spaces on issues related to hardware/software procurement, event programming, and onsite hours.
  • Office hours: Talk to an expert during digital scholarship office hours at the HBS iLab.

Talk to us

Let us help you make the most of digital scholarship in your research and teaching.

Tools We Support

  • Open Science Framework: We administer an institutional (“member” level) license of the Open Science Framework, which supports transparent research, active project management, and collaboration for affiliates.
  • Share by HL: A no-code web authoring service, Share by HL is available to all Harvard affiliates. Includes popular Collection building (Omeka), storytelling (Scalar), wiki building (Mediawiki), and portfolio (Wordpress) platforms.
  • Virtual Harvard: As part of the "Virtual Harvard" initiative, we’ve helped scan a dozen campus libraries, including Widener Library, Preservation Services, and the Fine Arts Library.
  • 3D Printing at Cabot Library (coming soon!): Remotely submit 3D prints for pickup at Cabot Science Library (main floor). Open to all HUID holders free of charge.

Digital Scholarship Projects

Screenshot of a "Share by HL" screen

Share by HL

No-code web authoring service (pilot), available to all Harvard affiliates.

3D image of widener library

Virtual Harvard

Interactive models of library interiors for space planning, linked collections, and outreach.

screenshot of an OCR computer program identifying text on a handwritten document

SAEF Handwriting Transcription

Handwriting transcription (HTR) throughput, for processing the contents of handwritten documents from Houghton Library.

a book with a woman in front of it

3D Scanning Service

Research-grade digital surrogates of artifacts, objects, and specimens.

a screen shot of Sonia Barbosa talking

Success Stories

Examples of effective implementations (and common challenges) faced by digital scholars.

libraries and museums podcast logo

Libraries & Museums podcast

A discussion on the Library of the Future and digital scholarship at Harvard.

Upcoming Workshops


Digital Scholarship Program Manager

Matt Cook