
Open Knowledge Maps

Use OK Maps to visualize related topics and research areas with AI

Open Knowledge Maps (OK Maps) is a non-profit web-based visualization tool that facilitates exploratory research by mapping scientific literature using AI. It reveals related but often overlooked research topics, giving you an at-a-glance picture of multiple bodies of scientific literature. 

Enter your research topic on the OK Maps search page to generate an interactive knowledge map of 100 journal articles from two major academic databases (PubMed or BASE).

Launch OK Maps

Things to know

  • Articles are identified by relevance to your search term and arranged by similarity. 
  • Bibliographic citations are provided to the right of a map, with links to open access versions of the articles whenever possible.
  • Open Knowledge Maps is free to use.
  • Queries PubMed and BASE only.
  • OK Maps is open source under the MIT License.

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