Formed in 1970, the Royal Chicano Air Force (RCAF) is a collective of Sacramento-based artists and activists best known for poster and mural making. Their eye-popping graphics helped to galvanize people of Mexican ancestry into a potent social and political force at the height of the United Farm Workers struggle and the fight for Chicano civil rights in the 1970s. Their work continues to draw attention to the urgent social justice issues facing the Chicanx and Latinx communities.

The silkscreen posters and ephemera on display present a cross section of the group’s activist efforts, announcing labor strikes and boycotts as well as art-based social programs and community celebrations.

Curated by Dale Stinchcomb, Associate Curator of the Harvard Theatre Collection, from the collection of David Rasul, longtime member of the RCAF’s Cultural Affairs Committee. Design by Margarita Encomienda.

Formada en 1970, la Real Fuerza Aérea Chicano (RCAF, sigla en inglés) es un colectivo de artistas de Sacramento más conocido por la creación de carteles y murales. Sus gráficos llamativos ayudaron a galvanizar a las personas de ascendencia mexicana a convertirse en una poderosa fuerza social y política en el apogeo de la lucha de los trabajadores agrícolas y el movimiento chicano en pro de los derechos civiles en la década de los años setenta. Su trabajo sigue llamando la atención sobre los problemas urgentes de justicia social que enfrentan las comunidades chicanx y latinx.

Los carteles en exhibición presentan una muestra representativa de los esfuerzos activistas del grupo, anunciando huelgas y boicots, así como programas sociales basados ​​en el arte y las celebraciones comunitarias.

Organizado por el curador asociado Dale Stinchcomb de la colección de David Rasul, miembro desde hace mucho tiempo del Comité de Eventos Culturales del RCAF. Diseño de Margarita Encomienda.

Planning to visit?

The lobby gallery is open to all visitors; face coverings are recommended. Please see Harvard Library's Visitor Access Page for the most up-to-date information about visiting the library.

Join us for a tour!

Join exhibition curator Dale Stinchcomb for a 30-minute guided tour of Royal Chicano Air Force Posters. The tour will highlight the themes of the exhibition and offer ample time for participant questions. Follow the links below to register in advance.

Persons with disabilities who would like to request accommodations or have questions about physical access may contact Houghton Library's Administrative Coordinator Le Huong Huynh at or at 617-495-2443 at least 48 hours in advance of the tour.